Every multi story buildings typically need the loading bay or hoist for each and every level during construction. A loading bay or loading dock is an area of a building where goods are loaded and unloaded to it from vehicle or site. On hoist or loading area of façade walls is being unbuilt up to end of construction. Final stage of construction only it needs to be built. Refer below picture for different types of loading bays are highlighted.

If the rest of the building is constructed by the precast, the hoist area also needs to be covered or fixed by precast panel. This type of covering panels are named post fix panel. Which means the panel will fix on the existing structure after completion of required task.
These post fix panels have different type of erection procedure, connection details compared to the all-other precast panels.
Propping Method for Post Fix Precast:
The temporary bracket connection between panel and to the slab need to be done at the top of the panel. The rest of the panel hanging below slab where braces are connected to plumb the panel as well as support. That the brace is anchored below level slab. The bottom of post fix panels is connected with dowel & grout tube arrangement to the below level precast panel. Refer the propping snap.

Permanent Connection of post fix panel:
The grout tube with dowel connection between the panels are only resist the horizontal movement, the additional permanent connection is made between panel and the slab through cast in plate and weld on site at both top and bottom the slab. The structural connections details are need structural engineer approvals. Refer below picture for typical connection details.

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