It is very important to have the full detail about the project in single place and handy documents, like project planning, project status and projects history. So, to make this handy we have a introducing an application that we called as a The Quote App
Let’s see more about the Quote App, it’s an online application developed by Tek1 Where all the activities of the project are recorded and whenever it has been updated, it will be intimated to the client also, and keep updated who all are involved in that project this is that web page

Once you log in, you can see the project allocated for you

And you also have a search box where you can search for the project you are looking for it

Each project has link for history and Live link it will take you the chronicle of the project and live link will take you the live model of the project

As below

Conclusion so this app will be handy to give the full detail of the project and it can be updated with all the person who involved in this project via email and they can review this application at any time for the future reference about the projects. Thank you
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