Author: Pon Dhileepan
A set of buildings in Mosman NSW are renovated. The front walls, some windows, doors & a roof are retained to maintain the heritage. The entire interior, GF & FF slabs, some roofs, internal walls etc are made new.

Temporary steel frames are used to support the walls to be retained. These remains intact throughout the demolition process until new steel & concrete take their place.
Not all the internal structure are entirely demolished or all the temporary structures are entirely erected in a stretch. A clear understanding of the sequence of demolition and erection of temporary structure work is vital. Connections given by the structural engineer some times hinder the erection process. It is the duty of the steel detailer to propose new connections accordingly.

New GF concrete slab is laid. New steel columns are added at the GF level to support the FF slab. Steel headers are added to exiting openings that lost support. New concrete walls cover the back & a side of the building. Roof steel rafters are supported between the existing front walls and the new back walls.
A few retained floor joists are stiffened using additional purlins.

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