Proactive Solutions Save Time and Money at Surry Hills Village

Tek1’s proactive approach played a pivotal role in saving time and money on site by effectively addressing challenges before they escalated. When detailing a stair in an already constructed building at Surry Hills Village, Tek1 requested site measurements and images of the existing structures. Analysing the received site images, Tek1 identified potential clashes, such as the extension of an existing beam conflicting with a new column and the roof of a nearby block encroaching on the new stair’s landing.

With this foresight, Tek1 proposed the removal of the conflicting portions, mitigating potential disruptions to the workflow. By identifying and resolving these clashes early on, Tek1 ensured a smoother construction process, preventing costly delays and rework. This proactive approach not only saved valuable time but also optimized resources, demonstrating Tek1’s commitment to delivering efficient and cost-effective solutions to its clients.


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