EMU IN THE SKY:Branches creation

We are detailing the Australia iconic project EMU IN THE SKY.

There are branches everywhere around the globe. But none of them are straight. They are in different angle and different curves.

Initially, we proposed creating molds for each branch type to make this branches shape, but the client preferred using jigs for shaping.

Our Solution: Angles and Plates for Jigs

After careful planning, we suggested using angles and plates for the jigs due to their:

  1. Availability and Cost: Easily available and more affordable than other profiles.
  2. Reusability: The jigs can be reused, enhancing cost-effectiveness.

Our client accepted this approach and is now in the process of creating the jigs.

Skilled Craftsmanship

Creating these jigs is not a structural task but requires the expertise of a skilled detailer. The precision and craftsmanship involved ensure that the branches meet the project’s aesthetic and functional requirements.

Project Progress

As the project is still ongoing, we are unable to showcase the complete picture of the branches. However, we have provided some images from our model for your reference.

Our Commitment

At our company, our primary aim is to satisfy our clients’ requirements. Equally important is our commitment to minimizing costs and rework, which ultimately supports our goal of client satisfaction.

Stay tuned for more updates on the EMU IN THE SKY project as we continue to bring this iconic vision to life.


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