I wish to move this firm towards a more decentralised model: where our success, your success, and your team’s success will ultimately be decided by the client. The client will be your God. Serve him well.
Going forward, you will be responsible for your own marketing, not myself. If you market yourself well – then your name / reputation will correspondingly increase. With that comes opportunity for yourself and this firm:
- Clients will specifically ask for you to be on their job, and the firm will have no choice but to oblige them.
- However, I do not want to force anyone to do anything they do not want to. I do not want to nag anyone. If you don’t want to do it: fine, don’t do it. Those who do, will suffer the benefits and the costs of doing so.
This firm gives you an opportunity unlike any other in the world: you can market your own name within this firm. Yes, there is a risk of poaching, but I am relying on staff satisfaction, competitive remuneration, and most importantly: the freedom and opportunity for your own self advancement, that I would argue, is unlike any other firm in the world. If something is broken: you have the opportunity to fix it, without fighting through 10 layers of bureaucracy.
How to write a blog post:
- You will need to tell me your username / email so I can register you.
- Log in here:
- Follow these instructions as on youtube.
Specific Instructions
- Add photos:
- Model photos.
- Site photos – this will provide more definitive proof that you actually did the job.
- Include on the photos:
- Your name
- Firm logo
- Project name
- Project reference number.
- A link to the project from our app.
- If possible a link to the IFC viewer.
Then add:
- Information exploring the difficulties / challenges of the job:
- This is important because it: proves that you did the job, and it
- proves that you are skilled i.e. shows how you tackled difficult problems.
- Provide something educational as well, if possible.
- Share it on your social media sites etc.
Do it very briefly, because we are promoting our services, and you are promoting your own name.
Clients can then choose which detailer they want on their project.
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