AWS VPN Client Errors

If you are having trouble with the AWS VPN Client, you need to systematically work through the issue. Remember, we are authenticating with Azure Active Directory (using what’s called: “SAML 2.0”). If you don’t know how to do something, or if you don’t understand something: please go to Google and find out.

First start with the basic requirements:

  1. Check your internet speed. if your upload speed is less than: 5 mpbs then you need to upgrade your internet.
  2. Delete all your cookies in all your web browsers. (Please use Google if you don’t know).
  3. Check that you have the requirements: Windows, and .net etc. If you don’t have the requirements, then please upgrade your system to meet those requirements. Please use Google to find out how.
  4. Check Troublshooting Client VPN.
  5. Check Windows Troublshooting.
  6. Search Google and AWS forums for the error you are facing.
  7. Check the AWS Client Log files (search for them on Google). Read the log files and try to search for where the error is. Do further Google searches – continue until you find the problem.

If you don’t understand what the instructions are, then please undertake a further google search. For example we are required to have Windows 10 Pro. How do I verify this? Google. Next we need .net 4.7.2. How do I verify this? Google. We have a port conflict. What is a port? Google. How do I know I have a port conflict? What is TLS? What is UDP? etc. you get the picture.


Ensure the AWS VPN client can operate through the firewall:

Trellex example
Add a new Rule
Ensure that the AWS VPN Client is allowed through the firewall.


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