Today we are going to show the miniature Prototype we done on the precast panel and its mould using a 3d printing device.
By preparing miniature we have come across the difficulties and problem that happen during the realistic bound assembly of sheet metal joining for mould and removal of Panel from the Mould setup after the panel casting work completed.
In this case study we will show how the panel removed from the mould set after casting completed by miniature prototype setup
Why Mould needed for this Panel
Normally for rectangular liner profile precast tilt-up panel construction the casting bed with side shuttering will be used.
Material: Shuttering will be done either in timer or Aluminium Frame
The panel profile faces are sloped or nonlinear and in order to maintain accurate panel profile we need to prepare a separate mould to cast the panel as required.
Material: Mould profile will be done either in Steel Sheet (3mm) or Plate (8mm)
Why Miniature Prototype creation
The main theme of creating a miniature Prototype is by scaling the real time object to check the difficulties and issues that might happen during the process of preparing the Mould and casting the panel with it. By doing this we will be aware where the issue arises and how it can be fixed, so that the cost and time incurred during the real time casting will be resolved.
Process of creating Miniature Prototype Creation

During the process of lifting the panel from the mould, the inner facing splay edges of panel will lead the panel to stop lift from the mould. To overcome this issue one of the inclined splay faces had to be adjustable one (non-permanent fixing) So that after the curing of panel the Mould face will be dismantles to lift the panel from the Mould.
Please see the below Miniature Prototype video of lifting the panel from the Mould after casting done.

Minature Mould – Bathers Way from Tek1 on Vimeo.
Miniature Mould (Panel Lifting) – Bathers Way from Tek1 on Vimeo.
The panel has been poured in the Mould Miniature Prototype using Concrete cement with Miniature Reinforcement setup to check further if the panel is all good during the process of casting the panel and the extraction panel from the Mould after the Concrete are cured.

Pouring the concrete (Bathers Way) from Tek1 on Vimeo.
Extract concrete from mould (Bathers Way) from Tek1 on Vimeo.
Special thanks to Parthee and Marimuthu for supporting during the Panel Miniature Casting. Thanks to Anandkumar for supporting in Miniature Mould assembly .Thanks to Ben for Supporting in content creation and blogging. Thanks to Koshy , Venkat for providing knowledge towards this idea and help to bring as reality
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