Hob is projection or recess on the top of slab, which is made up of concreate or sometimes precast. It will act as a base or foot for the precast panels and balustrade which are to be placed above the actual SSL (Structural surface level) and a locating guide sometimes with weather proof.
1. Weather proof Or Stepped Hob:
This type of hob has projection from slab SSL, which is used to separate inside (living spaces) and outside (balconies and wet areas) of the building to resist water to enter the building. It has recess at the outside of the building on top of the hob, which means top face has step along the outside of building. Refer Section A-A for weather proof hob.

2. Flat hob:
It is also projection type hob, but top face is in full width flat without step. Usually, it will locate between either inside-inside or outside-outside area. Refer Section B-B for flat hob.

3. Recess hob:
It is further back from SSL or ditch or recess on slab. It will also act as weather proof. This hob needs some gap clearance on the higher side to make easily sit precast on it. Refer Section C-C for recess hob.

4. Balcony hob:
Balcony hob also be the projection type; it is used to outside of the building in outermost wall to resist spill of water or use as balustrade. Balustrade purpose hob have considerably higher than the all-other hobs. Refer Section D-D Balcony hob.

5. Model hob plan drawing:

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