Category: Tekla API
How to Get Tekla Model Objects if selected by Users (Tekla API)
A user has pre-selected a set of model objects. We need to retrieve them via the API. How do we do it? All of our code is extracted from our production apps.
ByCoordinateSystems (i.e. the Tekla API method)? AlignCoordinateSystem (the AutoCAD .net API method)? What are they? What do they mean?
What problem does it solve? I have some treasure, buried somewhere. I know how to get there from my town. This is great from my current location. But how will you get there from YOUR location? Without changing the location of the treasure, I can tell you how to get there, from your location by…
How to programmatically filter model objects, in a Tekla model, by Part Position? (Tekla API)
Suppose you have a Tekla model and you want to programmatically filter for parts with a revision mark of abc/1. How would you do that? When I originally tried the code, I had a single Binary Filter expression for just the part Position Number. I made a fatal mistake – I had assumed that Tekla…
How to Debug a Tekla Plugin Without Restarting Visual Studio (Tekla Open API Tutorial)
To my surprise, debugging is not a trivial exercise. Please watch the video to guide you on where to click etc. Source code – github repository of the tekla beam plugin. You need to follow the instructions listed here: with the following notes and amendments: Add “set XS_PLUGIN_DEVELOPER_MODE=true” to the teklastructures.ini file and open…
How to Get Drawing Revision Numbers
Couldn’t do it, because it’s not exposed. This is a hack that I used to circumvent:
Tekla API – how to select model objects via a picker
Pretty simple: just selects a simple model object
Exploring a New Approach to Copying Objects in Tekla
copy to another Object in Tekla Normally in Tekla, if we want to copy objects or components from one object to another, we have to follow these steps : Select the objects and components you want to copy. Execute the “Copy to Another Object” command. Choose the source object. Select the destination…
Tek1 – Tekla Tools
Dimension Bolts Set up Instructions Instructions: Trouble shooting: it doesn’t work!