Category: Steel Detailing Blog
Tekla – Error in STP file export
As a TEKLA user, this blog will help you prevent mistakes in the fabrication shop. It can also save a lot of costs for you if you read it fully. Some clients request STP files for fabrication purposes, but it’s important to note that there may be errors in the Tekla export. Generally, Tekla lacks…
19-21 Caladenia Court
Caladenia Court in Australia. Tek1 has successfully completed a commercial project for a Caladenia Court in Australia. The scope of work involves providing the Stair & the Awning steels. we completed this job in a day without any hitch.
Residential development – Hall road
Tek1 has successfully completed a commercial project for a reputable organization in Australia. The scope of work involves providing support for the cladding walls and awning roof. Due to frequent changes in the structural design, we have coordinated directly with the structural designer to update our model accordingly. This approach minimizes variation costs for…
This is a Eastbourne. TEK1 Successfully done this job by one time detailing without any hitch. Some of the Model Snaps Detailed by Vignesh & Santhakumar
Campsie station fencing
Tek1 has successfully completed a commercial project for a reputable organization in Australia. The scope of work involved providing fencing for the station. The design drawings do not include dimensions for the fence slope and length. Therefore, we had to coordinate with site conditions to provide proper support for the fence. The fence doesn’t follow…
Memo 26 – Tek1 must be on all drawings henceforth
Please ensure that the firm’s name is on the Title Sheet. See details below. Drawings should not be sent without our firm’s name on it. NO EXCPETIONS. I will hold to account anyone who ignores or violates this memo. Why? We want to maintain and preserve our reputation. We want to promote our name: to…
Copy Elements to Other Drawing in Tekla
For instance, when we intend to include this cloud and text markup in all drawings, our current process involves adding a cloud followed by a text box. However, this repetitive action for each drawing proves to be extremely time-consuming. So, I’m going to share a trick with you (which Tekla already has) as an alternative…