Category: Staff Memos
The fallacy of insurance in the building and construction industry – (Staff Memo)
Clients often ask me: “do you have professional indemnity insurance” (PI Insurance)? The short answer is “yes” we do. It isn’t cheap: we pay over $20,000 per year in premiums – last year was about $27,000. But the long answer is, while we do have insurance: you cannot rely on it. Here’s why: In summary,…
You Need to Win Jobs at a Margin (Commercial Tips)
There is no point being “a busy fool”. If you’re winning jobs at a loss, or at really unattractive margins – things are probably not going to go well for you.
How to get fast variation approvals (or denials) on your construction projects?
How do you get fast variation approvals (or denials) on your construction projects? You need: (1) Clarity : Be clear of what change is needed. (2) Evidence : Evidence of client change request. (3) Brevity : Be brief, concise, to the point. Watch here for an example from a real life project (not a hypothetical)…
Memo 28 – Staff Moonlighting Policy
Moonlighting Policy I do not believe it is possible for someone to work for two entities at the same time: No servant can serve two masters: for either he will hate the one, and love the other; or else he will hold to the one, and despise the other. Ye cannot serve God and mammon.…
Memo – How to manage client interactions on complex projects to their satisfaction
If you want to get: Repeat work from clients. 5 star reviews Better bonuses / compensation. Then it might be worth considering the following strategies. This is a proven and successful model. Why? RL, GD etc have tried it out. The latter has phenomenal success with this strategy. I have spoken to clients. Especially one…
Memo 26 – Tek1 must be on all drawings henceforth
Please ensure that the firm’s name is on the Title Sheet. See details below. Drawings should not be sent without our firm’s name on it. NO EXCPETIONS. I will hold to account anyone who ignores or violates this memo. Why? We want to maintain and preserve our reputation. We want to promote our name: to…
Copy Elements to Other Drawing in Tekla
For instance, when we intend to include this cloud and text markup in all drawings, our current process involves adding a cloud followed by a text box. However, this repetitive action for each drawing proves to be extremely time-consuming. So, I’m going to share a trick with you (which Tekla already has) as an alternative…
How to View Tekla Model Status via Trimble Link
Communication is crucial between clients and detailers, but there’s an issue with conveying the current project status to clients using text. Trimble offers an excellent solution by enabling the sharing of the IFC model with clients. This allows clients to visualize the actual model alongside reference models, erection drawings, assembly drawings, and single-part drawings HOW…