Category: Staff Memos
Standards / Checklist
Full Checklist Background: Rules: If there are any issues, msg client. Rotation and Flipping – check if rotation / flipping has happened Blue Angle Issue Information
Memo 47: Check the work of your juniors, you’re responsible
I spoke to a TL re: something that was missed on an MTO. The reason given was that it was a junior who did the work, and that this work is not usually checked. The Consequences of Bad Work? How to avoid “missing things”?
Memo 46 – If you don’t have a professional license, or are not an expert: don’t comment.
Also: Should you charge for your opinion? Someone asks you for a professional opinion on an area that is not your area. Rule 1: If it is not your area of expertise: don’t give your opinion Rule 2: If it is your expertise: make sure you charge for it Case Study: [To be inserted]
Memo 45 – Insurance and Admission of Errors
We have professional indemnity insurance at Tek1. As part of our policy – on anything which may give rise to a claim you are not allowed to admit liability or mistakes. In fact, people will try to get you to admit – to make you the person at fault – when it could be the…
Memo 44 – Formatting Required for MTOs (Checklist for Material Take Offs)
Full check list is available here. Please supply checklist with every take off report you complete. (a) The first: is Koshy’s Material List.xls.rpt (Please use the file here saved here. (click on link)) – see instructions on where to save it below. (b) The second: Excel – Material List – which shows all sub-totals. (c)…
Specifying Ferrule Bolts
Ferrule bolts do need nuts to be ordered. If your bolt report has ferrule bolts, then you have to specify what is the Bolt Dia and Length of the Bolt dia. Also you must specify no nut required. The other thing to note is that, You cannot give extra length. Your bolt length should be…
Staff Memo – Webmail Login
Please use the following link to login to your tek1 engineering services mail:
Subject Line it Emails
When writing subject line in emails, DO NOT JOIN WORDS WITH “_”. Example Q10231_MACORNA ST SUP BRIDGE. In the above subject line words are connected by underscore. On mail search by subject line, a search for Q10231 will not bring up the mail A better approch will be do not use underscore separate by space
When projects are delayed we need to invoice
These are our terms VariationsVariations affect our cash flow adversely. In the event of any variations, we may need payment prorata for work already completed, before we take up variations — if they cause major delays in the submission of approval drgs. Variations are charged at the above mentioned rate. You will be notified of…