Category: Processes
Changes in Consultant drawings between Quotation stage to the Project stage? You must check: here’s why…
It is essential to cross-check the revised consultant drawings we receive against the original drawings from the Quotation stage before commencing the project because this may affect prices. For example, the panel break up, or the panel specs might have changed. If they have changed, this might have a material impact on price such…
Help Fabricators Claim Their Costs
When something changes, this is what Fabricators want: They want the updated Steel Reports: Steel has a cost. Labour has a cost. Welding has a cost. Cranage has a cost. They also want: 2. An updated IFC model, with a short summary: 3. How much more steel is required: 3 tonnes more steel. See the…
Tek1 – Tekla Tools
Dimension Bolts Set up Instructions Instructions: Trouble shooting: it doesn’t work!
Memo 14 – Private details (e.g. links) should be in the private section only
Philosophy: make things AS EASY as possible for your clients, do not confuse them. If someone sends you a link, that you cannot access how would you respond? The solution? Add private links and other details in “private details” section. There will be no confusion for the client.
Precast erection procedure having the set of sequences. When the panel is installed on the slab, props are fixed to stable the panel, then panel was unhooked from crane then the temporary stich plate or stich angles are connected to the next panel through cast in ferrule, which is casted on the precast panel. The…
A steel plate which is casted in to concrete for connection purpose is named cast-in-plate. Connections may be required to carry shear and axial force between the precast elements for applied load conditions. Cast-in plates are used to tie/ fix, Concrete or precast panels to each other. Precast to insitu slab. Steel beams to the…
Waterproofing: Normally exterior precast walls are constructed with joints and window openings. It can be easily affecting the moisture infiltration. Waterproof materials are applied in these areas to eliminate the moisture intrusion to the precast panel. we are defined edges are used to avoid this, it made upon wood or Foam (Thermocol). Top of Step…
Types of Service drawings: Crane drawing Lift drawing PT drawing (Post tension) Mechanical service drawing Electrical service drawing Fire service drawing Steel detail drawings Hydraulic service drawing Crane drawings Refer crane drawings for loading platform location, Crane tonnage & its relevant circles and other crane related data’s. (Refer Fig.01) Fig .01 (Ref. Crane drawing) 2.…