Category: Precast Blogs
ALTA FILAMENT PD (Precast Shop Tickets)
TYPES OF PRECAST WALL SHOP TICKETS A. LITE WALL WITH DOOR OPENING : Sheet 1: Panel Profile, Components and their setout Placed in the Bottom In Face (BIF) of the Precast Panel. Sheet 2: Components and their setout Placed in the Top In Face (TIF) of the Precast Panel. Sheet 3: The Reinforcement Setout on…
Standard Hooks and Cogs for Precast
D500 N BARdia d, (mm) Pin dia factor f,(Pin dia meter dp= fxda 180 deg hookb 135 deg hook 90 cogc 10 4 for fitments 100/105 120 140/155 12 4 for fitments 110/115 130/145 155/170 16 4 for fitments / 5 dia 80 120/130 150/165 185/205 20 4 for fitments / 5 dia 80 140/150…
How to choose a good detailer / draftsperson?
You’ve got 2-3 quotes for a precast or steel detailer or draftsman / draftsperson. Different prices. Who do you pick? When comparing (prices), make sure you compare apples-to-apples: Consider the following when assessing candidates: Warning: Assess on Quality, not on Price Deliverables How long have they been in business? If they’ve managed to: (i) establish…
Caulking Precast Panels: What, why and how?
Caulking: what, why and how? Once installed, precast panels need to be “caulked”. Why?• To prevent air and water from getting in between.• So what? If water gets in, it will cause damage: mould etc. – which is not pleasant for those occupying the building. What is caulking?• Basically putting a sealant in between the…
Why builders and fabricators should care about the legitimacy of supplier services?
Dealing in Fenced Goods and Services It’s not uncommon for those receiving fabrication drawings to overlook the legitimacy of the products used by service providers. There seems to be a prevailing mindset of indifference, with the attitude being, “As long as the drawings are correct, I’m fine—I’m legally protected, and proving involvement with stolen goods…
7-19 Glider’s way Steel & Precast Model
Author: Ramakrishnan Welcome to TEK1, your one-stop solution for all your structural steel and precast detailing needs. We are a team of highly skilled professionals who are passionate about transforming architectural visions into reality. With our expertise in using TEKLA, the industry’s leading software for structural engineering and modeling, we bring life to both simple…
Precast erection procedure having the set of sequences. When the panel is installed on the slab, props are fixed to stable the panel, then panel was unhooked from crane then the temporary stich plate or stich angles are connected to the next panel through cast in ferrule, which is casted on the precast panel. The…
A steel plate which is casted in to concrete for connection purpose is named cast-in-plate. Connections may be required to carry shear and axial force between the precast elements for applied load conditions. Cast-in plates are used to tie/ fix, Concrete or precast panels to each other. Precast to insitu slab. Steel beams to the…