Category: Material Take off
Memo 44 – Formatting Required for MTOs (Checklist for Material Take Offs)
Full check list is available here. Please supply checklist with every take off report you complete. (a) Full Material List (b) The second: Excel – Material List – which shows all sub-totals. (c) IFC file. (d) db1 file (e) and if applicable, your .dwg line work file. You’ll have to go into the file and…
Internal Processes
Please find below the processes we expect all staff to follow: Document all instructions in writing. Why? Clients may call on the telephone. Communication may be confused. People say the wrong lengths, the wrong drawing numbers, and they might be working of the wrong revisions, and people hear the wrong things. If you receive instructions…
Tek1 has developed plug ins with IntelliCAD based systems to create take off models from PDF drawings. The PDF drawings are brought into the intellicad based cad systems. Columns and Beams are modeled over the PDF drawings. This method is significantly faster than undertaking blue beam takeoffs. The accuracy of the take off is much…
.dwg based Take off with custom Plug ins
Tek1 has developed .dwg based plugins which talk to Tekla to carry out take-off efficiently Take off is completed in .dwg based Cad systems very similar to modeling in Tekla. For BIM model the model is converted to Tekla Reports can be taken either from .dwg system or Tekla. Right now reports are being taken…