Category: .net (c#)
How to check if you have a legitimate Tekla Profile using the Tekla Open API
Our use case? How can we check? Voila! Now it’s hard to make a mistake. If you want to get all materials – it’s very similar to the above. Use the CatalogHandler.GetMaterialItems() method along with the materialItem.MaterialName property. The code to actually do that – I will leave as an exercise to the reader.
Advance Steel Macro – To place Members
I’ve created a macro to help create Advanced Steel Members, given a particular spreadsheet file. You are welcome to download and use it – see here. Unfortunately, I don’t have a demo video for you so: Please read the documentation / manual.
Advanced Steel Tool – Convert AutoCAD lines to Advanced Steel Beams
Why bother with this tool? Because drawing Advanced Steel Beams is very cumbersome. If you have a CSV file you can draw AutoCAD lines and conver them with a fairly simple macro. Everything is open sourced, so you can fork or submit a PR if you require. Here is a video demonstrating this: If you…
Getting Ordered Intersection Points of a Line along a Particular Direction
It seems to be a common problem: getting intersection points along a line. This is what we want: Here’s how I solved it:
Ordering Lines using Linq (AutoCAD .net API)
This is a simple example of how Linq can be used to filter, map and order a set of lines. The code is pretty self-explanatory. It is a useful example which can be used to springboard towards further, more sophisticated use-cases according to your own requirements.
Check for Fake dimensions in Autocad before using it as reference model
It is important to check for fake dimensions before using it as reference model in Tekla Please watch this video
Add If Layer is Missing (AutoCAD .net)
A very handy method. Often detailers will ask for something to be placed on a particular layer. But since they are using a 100 different drawing templates without any consistency nor standards, the onus is on you to impose that standard on them. So you’d have to check for a layer and add it if…
Time Waits for Nobody: Steward your resources effectively
Massive Investment With Little Return? There are a million things out there in the world. Are you going to learn/master it all? Here’s how the typical educational program works – a monumental waste of resources in my opinion: 12 years in basic secondary and higher ‘education’. Another 3-6 years in tetiary ‘education’. Learning…
Ignore White Lines in Selection Filter (AutoCAD .net API)
We want a selection filter which simply ignores certain types of colors. Here is the ‘simple’ result I came up with: