Category: Autocad .Net API
IntelliCad based Tools to support Material Take-off
You don’t need to spend $30,000 p/a on Tekla licenses. You can estimate steel based on IntelliCad based software. Here’s some software I wrote to make this happen: How to Model Beams on Intellicad based software from Tek1 on Vimeo. Demo: Create beam and Create Beam Lines from Tek1 on Vimeo.
Getting Ordered Intersection Points of a Line along a Particular Direction (Part II)
This part II of a two part post. Please see part one here. We’re moving forward with the next set of requirements. Once we have the intersection points we need to do the following: Create lines out of them, and then Offset them from the main line, and staggered them by a specified amount and…
Getting Ordered Intersection Points of a Line along a Particular Direction
It seems to be a common problem: getting intersection points along a line. This is what we want: Here’s how I solved it:
Ordering Lines using Linq (AutoCAD .net API)
This is a simple example of how Linq can be used to filter, map and order a set of lines. The code is pretty self-explanatory. It is a useful example which can be used to springboard towards further, more sophisticated use-cases according to your own requirements.
How to get help on Autocad command without wasting anyone’s time
Help on Autocad commands are right there at the command line. However, too many times new users ask questions. Not just new users, experienced users as well get used to some way of working and stay there without checking out the full documentation. This video show where the command is available
LineDirectionJigger (AutoCAD .net API Jig code)
Many times, over my career in using AutoCAD, I’ve had this requirement: given a particular input vector, I’ve wanted to a jig a line perpendicular to it, within my code. Accordingly, I have written a little class which I call the LineDirectionJigger: basically it restricts users to select one direction or another. For the sake…
Precast Efficiency Tool: Efficiently Create Elevation Drawings
Demo: Command: Marking Plan To Elevation from Tek1 on Vimeo. What does this command do? It quickly and easily allows you to create elevation drawings given a certain marking plan view of a panel. You need to first: (i) select the applicable panel lines, then (ii) you need to select a view direction. The way…
Add If Layer is Missing (AutoCAD .net)
A very handy method. Often detailers will ask for something to be placed on a particular layer. But since they are using a 100 different drawing templates without any consistency nor standards, the onus is on you to impose that standard on them. So you’d have to check for a layer and add it if…
Ignore White Lines in Selection Filter (AutoCAD .net API)
We want a selection filter which simply ignores certain types of colors. Here is the ‘simple’ result I came up with: