Author: admin
Tekla API – how to select model objects via a picker
Pretty simple: just selects a simple model object
Memo – How to manage client interactions on complex projects to their satisfaction
If you want to get: Repeat work from clients. 5 star reviews Better bonuses / compensation. Then it might be worth considering the following strategies. This is a proven and successful model. Why? RL, GD etc have tried it out. The latter has phenomenal success with this strategy. I have spoken to clients. Especially one…
Memo 26 – Tek1 must be on all drawings henceforth
Please ensure that the firm’s name is on the Title Sheet. See details below. Drawings should not be sent without our firm’s name on it. NO EXCPETIONS. I will hold to account anyone who ignores or violates this memo. Why? We want to maintain and preserve our reputation. We want to promote our name: to…
Staff Memo #25: How to add Live Links to Model Sharing Services
Staff, please add live links to model sharing services. You can do so from the quote page directly. Just edit and add the link. The links will be available to all clients on: (i) status emails, and (ii) on the status webpage as well.
Maximise your Screen Real Estate
I’ve seen people struggle with many windows overwhelming their work space. This will hurt your productivity, especially if you are in the detailing profession. You could employ virtual desktops, in addition to a tiling manager. Please follow this tutorial on virtual desktops. If you want to use a windows tiling manager consider AquaSnap. If you…
Staff Memos: Long Term Goals
I have not been clear in specifying overall objectives. I want to dramatically increase the reputation of our firm, to boost your remuneration, and to expand our offering(s). This is the plan: 1. Satisfy the Client The client pays the bills. In order to satisfy our clients, we must first understand our clients. When we…
Look Out for Bad Connection Details
Bad Connections There are many young engineers out of college in the structural engineering business. They probably are not very much aware about the costs involved with fabrication. As detailers, it is our responsibility to look out for bad connections and ask an rfi for alternate connections. Please look at this particular one. It is…