Author: admin
Comparing Lines – IEqualityComparer (AutoCAD .net)
It’s not very often that I write something on the Autocad .net API, so here’s something which you, I suppose, will need one day: If you want to compare two lines, with a tolerance, in a collection then you’d need a LineComparer. The MSDN guide says that one should inherit from EqualityComparer, so unquestioningly,…
How to Access the Document Handle Given a Database Handle? (AutoCAD .net)
A short post showing you how to access the Document instance given that you already have a database pointer. Here’s how:
Modelling Stud Walls (Steel Detailing Tips)
What is the purpose of this lesson? The purpose of this lesson is for you to: understand what a stud wall is, and understand the importance of putting holes in the beams in order to allow for the erection of stud walls. What is a stud wall? A stud wall is made up of: A…
The Curious Case of Overkill Not Working (AutoCAD)
A very perplexing question: Why isn’t overkill working? The result will stun you. As you can see in the above picture, the top row of panel voids were doubled and in some cases tripled up. Obviously we don’t want this. Ordinarily, when such drawings are passed on to us we employ the overkill command. But…
Turning AutoCAD curves into Revision Clouds (AutoCAD .net API)
It seems a common scenario that folks want certain polylines/curves etc to turn into a revision cloud. How do we do this? At the end of the day, the revision cloud is nothing but a polyline. You could roll your own polyline which handles the bulges and vertices so that it looks like a revision…
How to avoid trouble in Building and Construction Projects (Part III)
HOW TO AVOID TROUBLE IN BUILDING AND CONSTRUCTION PROJECTS (PART III) We continue our series on how to avoid trouble in building and construction projects. The Importance of a Good Project Manager and a knowledgeable team This example draws from a recent experience. And it also draws from famous instances of projects stuffing up. I…
Dimensioning Curves Using Jigs (AutoCAD .net, Precast)
This is a beautiful little plug-in – it allows you to dimension a curve – a complex curve with a jig. It allows the user to choose the types of dimensions that he wants. It’s pretty cool. I must do an entire series on jigs. And I will slowly, when I get the chance.
Tek1 Tools – Panel Comparisons (Precast)
Demo – Tool To Compare Panels and Easily Identify Differences Here’s the situation: Someone from the factory floor calls in: “Hey can you move a cast in plate across panel number ABC123” “Sure – let me just check there are no —” “GIVE ME THE DRAWINGS NOW!” The problem with handing over the drawings without…
Tek1 Courses – AS 1657 & AS 1428 (Australian Standards)
Experts in AS in Stairs/Handrails/Ladders We’ve done a lot of work on Australian Standards – both public and private access. We specialise in Steel Detailing – and have a special focus on stairs and ladders. Since we deal extensively in this area, we require all our staff to be thoroughly versed in the Standards. Consequently,…