Author: admin
What is a Result Buffer Data Type? (AutoCAD .net API)
Unfortunately, and unsurprisingly, the documentation is a little sparse on this point. But somewhere deep within the annals of the AutoCAD documentation I found this little beauty: Here is the documentation. But for you folks who may find that the link does not work, I will also copy and paste verbatim, what is said there: The ResultBuffer type…
Extracting Bolt Distances of Single Part Drawings (Beams) With an Output In Excel – Part 2 (Tekla Open API)
In the last part, we left off having collected the relevant Single Part Drawings that we were after. Hopefully we have applied the correct property to filter out the ‘HEA’, ‘IPE’ and ‘CC’ drawings. We will now focus on part II – extracting the distance of the bolts from the beam’s start position. …
Extracting Bolt Distances From Single Part Drawing Files With an Output In Excel – Part 1 (Tekla Open API)
Every now and again we obtain a request from our readership to tackle a problem. If it is of general interest to the public and given our commitments we do sometimes oblige. Here is one such interesting problem. We will tackle this in three parts, and will focus on part 1 in this blog post.…
What are curve parameters? (AutoCAD .net API)
A perusal of the .net Reference Guide reveals these types of functions: But as per usual, there is no explanation in the documentation as to what a exactly a parameter is. This is best explained by example. Stay with me here: Suppose you have a curve (i.e. a polyline) that has n points. Or…
BREP API – A Very Basic Primer (AutoCAD .net API)
The boffins at AutoDesk have ported that which has existed in the ObjectARX API into .net – it’s basically a wrapper. And on a side-note – it is well worth reading the ObjectARX documentation for that very reason – let’s face it – the documentation for AutoCAD APIs are not very good. So definitely…
Getting Started In AutoCAD .net Development
Simply check out the following links: My first plug in training: Download the .net Wizards, and the other resources on the AutoDesk website. Download Visual Studio Handy resources: Popular blog: Documentation:
How To Make Alternate Dimension Units Appear Below the Primary Units (AutoCAD .net API)
This was a question which someone asked. I accordingly answered it with a code example. The answer is simple: Ensure that you add `“\X”` as a suffix to the `DimStyleTableRecord.Dimpost` property. Here is a code example:
What is the difference between Freezing a layer vs Turning it off? (AutoCAD tips)
A tyro to AutoCAD will immediately notice that he or she has two options available to him – both of which ostensibly render similar results: freezing a layer and turning it off. But what is the real difference? When you turn a layer off, it is still loaded into memory. AutoCAD is keeping track of…