Author: admin
Detailing cleats to connect to beams
Detailing cleats to connect to beams. The main principle is the work points of the beam to the column must intersect. To achieve this the cleat should be offset to onside by half the Beam web thickness. This is usually done when you layout the main members. Make sure the layout is good Here is…
Bevel Cutting Beam End for Fabrication
How to Detail bevel cut Beam Ends for Fabrication Given here is an image of how do the bevel cut in a beam to beam shear plate connection where the beam does not connect perpendicular. There is no benefit in creating full width bevel cut since it will only add material. All you have to…
Skew Cutting Col end to match Inclined End Plate
How to detail Column end when end plates are skewed Here is a picture of an included end plate. Fabricators and easily weld and fill up upto 2mm. Hence there is no need to skew cut end plate. Will save a heap of time and cost in the fabrication shop.
Ignore White Lines in Selection Filter (AutoCAD .net API)
We want a selection filter which simply ignores certain types of colors. Here is the ‘simple’ result I came up with:
Bubble Deck
We’ve been detailing Bubble Deck for around 5 years now. We’ve learned the Bubble Deck standards and we’ve developed some very efficient tooling and processes that allow us to get our drawings out to clients quickly and without errors. As in everything we do, the primary focus is error trapping and productivity. Our Resources: 1…
Markup Model with Tekla BIMSight
Tekla BIMSight is a free tool provided by Tekla to view and markup up Tekla model. We use this too extensively for highlighting and resolving model issues. It will be very convenient if you can download and install this software on your machine and have some basic skills on using the tool Where to download…
Jigging with SHIFT, CTRL and Mouse Wheel Functionality (AutoCAD .net API)
Any AutoCAD programmer knows that things which an algorithm may take a million years and infinite computational power to do can sometimes be easily done by a human being instantly. In the same way it is sometimes much easier to give a human being the ability to choose: then you can get an optimum result…
Offsetting Truss Lines from Intersecting Fire Collars (Bubble Deck + Video Demo)
The effective point of this blog is to demonstrate the use of a jig – not just any old jig – but a jig which accepts user inputs using the CTRL + SHIFT + MOUSE-WHEEL (up or down) to change the jig’s behaviour. When the jig is finished running, everything returns back to normal. This…
Speed up the Shop Drawing Process – Order Dimensioning Tool (Bubble Deck)
I’ve made a tool which allows you to order dimensions faster. Here it is below: Order Dimension Command from Tek1 on Vimeo. For those who want to read my philosophy of the benefits of improving productivity and how I approach detailing – see below. If that bores you, then you may safely skip…