Author: admin
Construction Circles
We continue our Tekla training series. This time, it’s on how to create construction circles. Tekl1 Training – Construction Circle from Tek1 on Vimeo.
Construction Lines
The following video will explain how to draw a construction line + its key features. The video will also provide you with a brief demonstration of its benefits while modelling. Tekla Tutorials: Construction lines from Tek1 on Vimeo.
Which way should the purlin be oriented? (Detailing Tips: No. 5)
Have you ever considered a purlin’s orientation while detailing? Pop-Quiz: In the pic above, the structural engineer shows the purlin direction along the roof slope. Is this the correct way of orienting the purlin? i.e. Has the engineer made a mistake, and if so, why? (Answers below) (Keep scrolling down…) (Keep scrolling down…)…
How to Export a Tekla Drawing to PDF (Using the PDF Forge’s PDF creator) (Detailing Tips: No. 4)
To export Tekla drawings to PDF, various converter applications are available in the market. One of them is PDF creator by PDF forge. This is a free product and can be downloaded and installed directly to your system. The following is the step by step procedure for pdf creator which can be used to set…
BIM review from Strumis (Detailing Tips: No. 3)
BIM review from Strumis BIM review is a desktlop software application by Strumis. It is similar to to Trimble’s Tekla BIMsight, having features such as: (i) clash checking capabilities, (ii) camera path viewpoints, and multiple format are supported including ifc xml step etc. However we have to work to our clients requirements and at many…
Is it supported? (Detailing Tips: No. 2)
We continue our “Lessons learned” series. Can you spot the snake in the grass, in the following problem? There are a million gotchas when detailing, which can trip up even the most experienced detailer. Here’s an issue that snagged us. Hopefully you can learn from our cock-up. Generally, roof sheets are provided by the roof…
Does it Fit? An Example of an Erection feasibility check against particular steel profiles (Detailing Tips: No. 1)
As a detailer, we should constantly inspect and second guess the drawings and the details given to us by engineers and architects (well, mostly architects, because as a general rule, engineers are competent). The Pop-Quiz If you wish to engage in a pop-quiz: see the drawing attached here: Spigot Connection. What problems can you see…
Getting Ordered Intersection Points of a Line along a Particular Direction (Part II)
This part II of a two part post. Please see part one here. We’re moving forward with the next set of requirements. Once we have the intersection points we need to do the following: Create lines out of them, and then Offset them from the main line, and staggered them by a specified amount and…